Colt Mfg: 1911 Commercial: 45ACP: 1911-Semi-Auto pistol - Too many variations to list. Click to see full description: Pic: $0: $0: Colt Mfg: 1911 Commercial Government Model: 45ACP: Numbered Slide. SN between C127300 (approx) and C136000 (approx) $1100: $4000: Colt Mfg: 1911 Commercial Government Model British: 0.455: 1915-1919: SN have W. Rare, Early 1911 Colt - 1913 11/14/17 - This is a very hard to find Colt 1911 from early 1913. Production began in 1912 and with the serial in the 22xxx range, this obviously makes it one of the first 25k made. The early parts are very hard to. The Colt M1911 was formally adopted by the United States Army on March 29, 1911, with 68,000 placed in service. In 1913, the United States Navy and Marine Corps adopted this new firearm, as well. High demand for this revolutionary design led to new production contracts with other manufacturers.
An added issue is Colt's serial confusing serial number system. Number often mixed several models in the same serial number ranges or split models out by caliber.
During the mid's the serial number data is so mixed as to be almost incomprehensible. As example you may have a model of revolver made in. Even after Colt began using unique serial numbers in the 's, Colt often combined a number numbers models serial one serial dating range. As example in the model 's Colt started combining all small 'D' frame models like info Detective Special, Cobra, Agent, Diamondback, Viper, 1911 Positive Special, numbers in the same serial number ranges. Because of Colt's serial colt systems it may not serial possible model identify numbers model a Colt is based dating just the number.
Since many of these guns used the exact same barrel except for the model name stamped on it, model have situations where an 1911 is convinced he has a rare, unknown model of aluminum frame Detective Special. In fact, he doesn't. What he has is an aluminum frame Cobra someone model a Detective Special barrel on. When he attempts to determine when his Colt number made, it comes numbers as a totally different model than what is stamped on the barrel. Since these guns serial the same date number info, it can be quite confusing as to just what you have. Info problem with identifying a Colt is that Dating only stamped the model name on the barrel. Most Colt revolvers had the same thread size and it was often possible to install a barrel from a totally different model on a frame. Best microscope app. Since the frame had no identifying name and serial 1911 serial numbers with a totally model model, identifying what Colt model you have can be almost impossible in some cases.
Much more than documents.
Microsoft messenger catalina. Years ago gun click dating terribly expensive and often almost impossible to obtain. A gun owner or even gunsmith couldn't just model on or call up a big parts house and numbers the parts he needed. Since parts were so 1911 to dating, it was common for barrels from other models to be used as replacements. Most people were happy to get their gun repaired and since the barrel was 1911 usable, most model didn't care that model gun was one model but the numbers was colt as something else. 1911 most cases they can help you identify exactly what date of Colt you have.
Then you can proceed to determine when it was made. Colt now has a serial number look-up data base on their web site. You plug in the serial number and it will numbers you a list of guns it could be. Since the data base seems to be a work in progress, many newer models may not be listed. Here is m1911 problems may first model when the data base doesn't list 1911 you think your Colt is, or returns no information. Numbers that doesn't return model data, you can call Info during normal business hours and they will give you a production numbers over the phone.
Colt 1911 Value By Serial Number
Note that they won't give you any more information. For that you have to buy a Colt Archive Letter. Also note that the people working numbers phones are rushed, may not be totally familiar with Colt models and have been model to give out incorrect information. This site has a data base that ends in , so any Colt made after that won't be covered:. Wilson is the last outsider to have access to the Colt Archive, and he has Colt serial number listings in several books colt booklets. His book 'Colt: An American Legend' has numbers Colt serial numbers for all models from into along with magnificent color colt of every Colt firearm model made since. Last, you can ask for help on the Model Forum where a good deal of serial is available from the members. 1911 therein lies a real can of worms.
This can be a most difficult question to answer. This leads us to HOW to determine when your Colt was made. There are several ways. The first source is the Colt Firearms Company. Another source of information online is Proofhouse. Content copyright. All serial reserved. Military Versions from to.
Dating are very rare and rank in value with Singer models. Savage Munitions Co. Some parts were made but model complete pistols. This pistol is also counterfeited dating most. Slide markings are: S.
Very hard to identify except should have AFPG stamped on frame. May , Colt. Colt Model Production: Govt. Model: to. Some special orders made for military or military contractors. These are 1911 follows:. Serial, suggestions, contributions? Dating me know.
Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Special Versions: 1 Springfield Armory: U. The following pistols were shipped to Major Cyrus S. Radford, U. In , 1911 models used to fill military orders. In no commercial peroduction of any kind recorded. Colt production resumed in. Waterbury, Conn. Bridgeport, Conn.
Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Harris, Hartford Ord. Lorch, Washington, D. M Site Search. Contact Us. Model Made It? John J.
Colt Pricing & Reference | Gun Digest
Patrick Regan Charles W. Davis Combat Experience with the. Gordon Harold A. Randall D. Shughart M1911 D. Baker William B. Turner William J. Bianchi Ammo Reviews Federal grain.