Bengali Alphabet

How to pronunciation Bengali Alphabet in English

  1. Bengali Alphabet With Hindi
  2. Bengali Alphabet Song
  3. Bengali Alphabet Pictures

Bengali is one of the official languages of India and is quite popular language in the whole world. It is spoken mainly in West Bengal state of India and in some parts of the neighboring states of West Bengal. Bengali and Oriya languages have many things in common.

Written Bengali. The Bengali alphabet (বাংলা লিপি - Bangla lipi) is derived from the Brahmi alphabet. It is also closely related to the Devanagari alphabet, from which it started to diverge in the 11th Century AD. The current printed form of Bengali alphabet first appeared in 1778 when Charles Wilkins developed printing in. Learn to write Bengali is a FREE education app that provides a fast and easy way to learn Bengali characters. With our writing recognition you will be able to practice writing Bengali letters correctly and hassle-free. The Bengali alphabet is a syllabic alphabet in which consonants all have an inherent vowel.

Microsoft Windows allow the usage of this language and support the font for Bengali. Below is the list of alphabets used in Bengali with the guide to pronounce it as the sounds are present in the English language.

Vowels of Bengali Alphabet

অAs ‘a’ in malআStressed অইAs ‘I’ in illঈAs ‘e’ in ekeউAs ‘u’ in UbuntuঊAs ‘ou’ in youঋAs ‘ri’ in riskৠDouble sound of “ri”এAs ‘e’ in par seঐAs ‘a’ in asওAs ‘o’ in goঔStressed and long sound of ‘o’

Consonants of Bengali Alphabet

কAs ‘k’ in kiteখCoupled sound of ‘k’, ‘h’= ‘kh’গAs ‘g’ in gunঘCoupled sound of ‘g’, ‘h’= ‘gh’ঙAs ‘gn’ in gnome. Does not produce a particular sound: Just used for articulation of tongue while pronouncing the next wordচAs ‘ch’ in chairছThis sound is not available in English. The tongue touches a bit away (to the inner side) from the teeth while pronouncing ‘ch’ as in chair.জAs ‘j’ in jugঝThis sound is not available in English. This is produced using the naval sounds while the tongue touches the upper part of mouth cavity.ঞJust like ‘gn’ of gnome with a slight up movement of tongue. No particular sound just articulation while speaking.টAs ‘t’ in topঠHard sound of ‘t’. Not available in English.ডAs ‘d’ in darkঢCoupled sound of ‘d’ and ‘h’= ‘dh’. Not available in English but as ‘dh’ in Indian musical instrument ‘dhol’.ণNasal sound when the tongue touches a bit away from teeth. In ন, the tongue touches the roots of the teeth.তSoft sound of ‘t’ as used in the name of country BharatথAs ‘th’ in thermoদAs ‘th’ in theধNot available in English. Again, naval sound produced by coupling soft ‘d’ and ‘h’= ‘dh’.নAs ‘n’ in manপAs ‘p’ in pushফSound of ‘f’ if pronounced with closed lips. ‘f’ of German language.বAs ‘b’ in banBengali alphabetভNot available in English. Coupled sound of ‘b’ and ‘h’= ‘bh’.মAs ‘m’ in massযAs ‘y’ in yachtরAs ‘r’ in runলAs ‘l’ in love

Bengali Alphabet With Hindi

শAs ‘sh’ in shotষSound of ‘sh’ when the tongue touches the roots of the teeth. In শ, the tongue touches the upper part of mouth cavity.সAs ‘s’ in soundহAs ‘h’ in hasজ্রCoupled sound of ‘j’ and ‘n’= ‘jn’ত্রCoupled sound of soft ‘t’ and ‘r’—‘tr’.ক্ষCoupled sound of ‘k’, ‘s’, ‘h’= ‘ksh’. A bit similar to ‘x’শ্রcoupled sound of ‘s’, ‘h’, ‘r’=’shr’. As ‘shr’ in shroud

Variations of consonants in Bengali

ক়Sound of ‘k’ produced from the throat: equal to ‘q’ of English.খ়Sound of ‘kh’ produced from the throat. As ‘kh’ used in the name of ‘khan’.গ়Sound of ‘g’ produced from the throat.জ়As ‘z’ in zebraড়Next variation of ‘d’. Not available in English and very difficult to produce for foreigners. As ‘re’ in Crore.ঢ়Not available in English. Next variation of coupled sound of ‘dh’.ফ়As ‘f’ in fast. As ‘v’ in German language

Symbols used in Bengali

ঁSound of ‘n’ with the previous consonant along with some other symbols used for that consonantংSound of ‘m’ with the previous consonantঃSound of ‘h’ with the previous consonantাSound of stressed ‘a’ with the previous consonantBengali alphabet pronunciationিSound of ‘i’ as in ill with the previous consonantীSound of ‘e’ as in eke with the previous consonantুSound of ‘u’ as in Ubuntu with the previous consonantূ

Bengali Alphabet Song

Sound of ‘ou’ as in you with the previous consonantৃSound of ‘rhy’ as in rhythm with the previous consonantেSound of ‘ai’ as in aim with the previous consonantৈSound of ‘a’ as in as with the previous consonantোSound of ‘o’ as in go with the previous consonantৌStressed sound of ‘o’্Halant. This is used to make the consonant half making it disjointed from the sound of অ..Symbol of ‘.’ Full stop in English.

Numeric symbols of Bengali (0-9)

Apart from these symbols, there are two types of half-sound of ‘r’ that is used in Hindi. One after the bearing consonant and one before the bearing consonant. The symbol is not present as such in the Vrinda Font but can be made by pressing the Shift+3 keys. This symbol will put the half-sound of ‘r’ in the foot of the consonant and its sound would come after the consonant. Typing র and then using the key ‘d’ to make it half and then pressing the next consonant would make the symbol of ‘r’ that is sounded before the bearing consonant. This symbol will be placed above the consonant.

Microsoft uses “Vrinda” font for Bengali language.

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This first lesson teaches the alphabet in Bengali. This includes the script and pronunciation. If you stay with me from start to finish, I promise you that you will learn a lot. I will try to give examples using both words and sound. That way it will be easy for you to see the letters when they are separate and when they are in a word. Going through the whole page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course email me directly at Bengali Classes.


Bengali Alphabet Pictures

The alphabet is the building block of the Bengali language. Usually it is the first thing a person should start learning, because without it, you can neither read nor write. This means that the following 30 min are going to be the most important in your learning quest. The Bengali alphabet contains 26 letters just like English but contains 4 unofficial extra letters (ä, ö, ö and ß).

Below is the Bengali alphabet in a table containing 3 columns: The sound of the Bengali letters, the alphabet, examples which include the letter at the beginning, middle and at the end.



If you have any questions, please contact me using the Bengali contact form on the header above.

The following is a table showing common sentences. We recommend for you to click on the audio of each expression to hear how it is pronounced. That way you will be able to familiarize yourself with the Bengali alphabet.



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Fun Facts

Language Quote ❝If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.❞ ‒Nelson Mandela

Congratulations! You finished your first alphabet lesson in Bengali. Are you ready for the next lesson? We recommend Bengali Lesson 2. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Bengali homepage.