Cheaper By The Dozen Script

Good morning, Tom.

Twelve is our number.


It's the number of games my husband Tom

CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN Audition Sides Fine Linen Theatre Page 2 DAD and KID (Adult Male, Young Male/Female) DAD: Now, if there’s no further business - - KID: Mr. Chairman, I move we spend the five dollars we just saved to buy a collie puppy. DAD: Hey, wait a minute! KID: A dog would be a pet. Everyone could pat him, and I would be his master. DAD: Out of order. Strangely, for a movie targeting families, Cheaper by the Dozen 2‘s script seems obsessed with cleavage.Mostly that of Jimmy’s young wife, Sarina. The camera stares as she offers an obvious double entendre, spreading her arms wide and inviting the Bakers into her home by saying, “Welcome to the Boulders.”. Cheaper By The Dozen Script: Dialogue Cheats Script: Dialogue Cherry Falls Script: Dialogue A Christmas Carol: Dialogue Chicago: Dialogue Chicken Run Script. Cheaper by the Dozen Script Order Now. Suppose you're an attractive high school girl and you're not only a member of a large and unique family but your father is, in fact, one of the great pioneers of industrial efficiency. CHEAPER BY DOZEN From the Book by FRANK B. GILBRETH, Jz, and ERNESTINE GILBRETH CAREY This fresh, founded-on-fact comedy is a 'once in a lifetime' opportunity. The humor is genuine and de- lightful, and the story has meaning and importance. This play is especially easy to cast and produce. With its outstanding reputation, you are likely to.

coaches at LincolnCollegeevery season.

It's the number of times we zero out our

bank account each year to make ends meet.

And it's the number ofkids

we try to keep track of.

Hey. Good run?

Oh, yeah.

You need a paramedic?

No,just a pair of knees.

You finish?

Still proofing, but I'm sending it

to Diane today.

Look at this.

New, clean cover..

no peanutbutter stains..


- Hey, baby?

- Baby?

You know, on the run,

you know what I was thinking?


Well, we've been married,

what, five years?

- Twenty-three.

- Twenty-three. Sorry.

And I think we could use

a littlechangearound here..

like-like this

lumpy old mattress.

- Maybe we should just,

you know, get rid of it.

Don't be ridiculous, honey. You know you

can just pound the lumps out of a mattress.

What-What do you mean? You can just

pound the lumps out of a mattress?

Yeah,just randomly

start swatting away.

- And it goes flat?

- Yes, yes.

Just start- You just randomly

start swatting-


- I got a dog on me!

- Twelve's an insanenumber ofkids..

but having a small family

was never an option for us.

See, Tom lovedgrowing up

with sevenbrothers and sisters.

And after my sister died,

I spent most of my time..

wishing I had

seven brothers and sisters.

Tom and I met at

Illinois Polytechnic University.

He was a seniordreaming ofbecoming

the head footballcoach there.

I was a freshman dreaming

ofbecoming a sports reporter.

He wantedeight kids,

I wantedeight kids. Bam.

An hour after I met him,

I knew he was the one.

Wejust had family

at the wedding.

Oh, and Shake Maguire,

Tom's best man.

What a hot dog.

Ayear later,

we had our first- Nora.

I lovedtaking her

to work with me.

After Charlie and Lorraine were born, we

realized our dreamofliving in the city..

- and havingeight kids and

two careers wasn't gonna work.

As much as we wanted our big careers,

we wanted our big family more.

So Tom settled for a Division llI

coaching job at Lincoln..

I quit writing for the Tribune,

and we moved to the country.

Tom and I got busy

when we moved to Midland.

We had Henry, Sarah,Jake and Mark

in consecutive years.

Then we went for magicnumber eight,

and instead..

we got the first set

of fraternal twins-Jessica and Kim.

- Nine kids.

- Come on, you guys. Come on.

Wave! Hi!

With each child, Tom and I got further

from our big career dreams.

But we didn't thinkabout that.


Oh. Sorry, Coach.

We had our hands full with nine.

We were happy, and we were done.

Then we went to a party celebrating

Shake Maguire's appointment..

to athletic director

at our alma mater.

Cheaper By The Dozen Script Pdf

Finite element analysis software. And, well, too many beers and nine

months later, we had Mike.

After that,

Tom got a vasectomy.

But he didn't hear the doctor say

that it would be a few weeks..

before the procedure

became effective.

In '98, Nigel and Kyle got us

to that crazynumber 12.

But by then, Tom and I

were experts at managing chaos.

- Let's move, gang.

Come on, come on, come on!

- Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo!

- Charliemissed his curfewagain last night. Take care of that.


You can only put on

Cheaper By The Dozen Script Play

so much lip gloss, princess!

- You blew my concentration!

- Temper, Sarah.

Now I get to start

Cheaper by the dozen

all over again.

- Wrap it up, Lorraine!

- Okay, Daddy.!

Have you seen my frog, Dad?

Sorry, Charlie.

Uh, Nigel. Kyle.

- It's Mark.

- I knew that.

Hey, teenager. You got caught

on Mom radar last night.

You're not gonna get that scholarship

if you're out late with Beth..

Casting Call

'Cheaper by the Dozen'

Adapted by: Christopher Sergel
From the book by:
Frank B. Gilbreth Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey.

Dominick and Karren Abbatiello

Directed by:
Christopher Russoniello

Sponsored by:

Synopsis: Suppose you're an attractive high school girl and you're not only a member of a large and unique family but your father is, in fact, one of the great pioneers of industrial efficiency. Then suppose he decides, for no apparent reason, to apply his unorthodox methods to you and to the rest of your big family. The results are terribly embarrassing, funny and --it must be admitted-- extremely effective! To Anne, however, the chief effect seems to be that of making them seem ridiculous to everyone else at school -- especially to the boys!

Director Christopher Russoniello is seeking the following:
2 Adult Males and 3 teens
3 Adult Females and 3 teens
4 Boys
1 Girl


Character Age


Frank Bunker GilbrethLate 40's-mid 50'sFather- A time and motion study engineer. Carries himself with the self-assurance of a successful man who is proud of his wife and family as well as his business accomplishments. Though a disciplinarian, he loves nothing so much as a good joke, preferably one on himself.
Lillian Moller GilbrethEarly 40's to 50Mother-A gracious, attractive women. She is also a psychologist. In her own way she is often able to get better results with her large family more so than her disciplinarian husband.
Anne Gilbreth17The oldest Gilbreth child. Attractive, sweet natured, yet stubborn. Dedicated to loosening up her father's rules (not just for herself, but for her younger siblings)
Frank Bunker Gilbreth Jr.16A Gilbreth child The Co-Narrator.
Ernestine Gilbreth15A Gilbreth child Co-Narrator Anne's Co-conspirator
Martha Gilbreth14A Gilbreth child Another of Anne's Co-conspirators
Bill10-12A younger Gilbreth child
Lillian9-11A younger Gilbreth child
Fred8-10A younger Gilbreth child
Dan7-9A younger Gilbreth child
Jackie5-7A younger Gilbreth child
Mrs. Fitzgerald50-70The housekeeper - a kind woman who is completely devoted to the family. Sometimes her patience is tried by the ongoing chaos of the large family
Dr. Burton40's-50'sFamily Doctor
Joe Scales17A small cheerleader. Very cocky and interested in dating Anne.
Miss Brill20+A teacher who has no love for the children.
Larry17A nice looking, clean cut boy interested in Anne.

Special Notes for Auditioners:
Reading will be from the script. List of credits appreciated.

Auditions will be held at the

Somerset Valley Players

Located at 689 Amwell Road, Hillsborough. For directions click here

On Saturday, May 12th 2018 at 2 p.m. and
Tuesday, May 15th 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
There will not be any callbacks

The show runs Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m.
July 20th through August 5th 2018.

For further information call 908.369.7469

Cheaper By The Dozen Play

Email address

This program is made possible, in part, by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, and administered by the Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission through the State/County Partnership Local Arts Program
This page was updated on May 13, 2018 and hosted by K & D Enterprises for the Somerset Valley Players