Free Imvu Skin Templates

  1. Free Imvu Skin Files
  2. Imvu Skin Templates
  3. Free Imvu Skin Templates Fortnite
  4. Imvu Skin Textures

Jun 17, 2019 - This is a place I'll dump my random premades. Free to use but please link your products in each one you use so I can see the creative ways they were used. And so I naively searched ”free imvu skin texture template” on google, as I’m sure most budding devs who wish to create skins have done at one time or another. Bing app. I ended up on IMVU mafias where I found a ‘free’ skin template that I then proceeded to use as a base, not knowing that what I did was theft. Rene, who at the time was a dear. Storch vst. Apr 04, 2018 Templates; Imvu Female Skin Texture – FREE DOWNLOAD. Imvuskin Explore imvuskin on DeviantArt. 2D Layout For Skins – MV. Light skin by imvu-sindro. Mappoint.

In IMVU besides I'm doing keep submitting products.I'm also selling IMVU DIV layout for their
Homepage. Means you may decorate your own homepage. If you one of our player (IMVU).You may know what this layout for.

< This one is for my Homepage. All this layout made
with Photoshop cs5 and need a code for to paste it on IMVU homepage
This layout just like Blog skin template. But IMVU's is more different than Blog skin template.But maybe you may see they were similar with blog skin. xD

On the right side there is for my Lil Sister. :D
< While this one, I'm selling it to public.Normally, I sell a layout before just 5000c (IMVU money/Credits). And for now I've to increase the proce to 6000c only per layout. If want to put some music or MP, I have to charge them just only 100c

Most of layout, I take any example that have on Google Chrome. Sometimes I just make my own design. xD But In IMVU (about layout thingy) I didn't take any request. Cause it makes me easier to design it. Most of costumer need so 'stylish' while I'm afraid I can't make their 'Stylish' come what they want.
Yeah sometimes, it kinda awkward for me cause I can't fulfill their wish. Lul. But anyway, most in IMVU player likes my layout design anyway xD.

And I really-really hope that they won't hate me silently or quietly. Lul~ :P

This one is for my friend. :D. Basically, I made a layout in Black color. So I ask them better tell me ASAP for change the color. xD
But, they always want me to create their own 'Welcome note' - _ - And I say :'whaaa-?' Then I make a new warning to them that they HAVE to make their own note.
It doesn't matter that I can make it for them, but I'm just too lazy to think about it. >_<
This one is my ex-layout xD. Because before this, I used this one for my Homepage. :P

Well,I guess I've already promoting my IMVU layout xD.Free

Free Imvu Skin Files

Imvu Skin Templates

Free Imvu Skin Templates Fortnite

Imvu Skin Textures

Any question, Leave a comment. :D