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psk-crack: Crack IKE Aggressive Mode Pre-Shared Keys

Generate a pre shared key (PSK) for use in this VPN. PSK is really not a password, it's a key and you must make absolutely sure it is transferred to remote end in a secure way by using PGP/GPG or ssh. Secure PSK should be at. Chapter 11 IPsec VPN for FortiOS 5.0: Auto Key phase 1 parameters. Our free mobile-friendly tool offers a variety of randomly generated keys and passwords you can use to secure any application, service or device. Simply click to copy a password or press the ' Generate ' button for an entirely new set.

Command to display psk-crack manual in Linux: $ man 1 psk-crack


psk-crack - Crack IKE Aggressive Mode Pre-Shared Keys



psk-crack[options]<Generate Pre Shared Key Onlinepsk-parameters-file>

<psk-parameters-file>is a file containing the parameters for the pre-sharedkey cracking process in the format generated byike-scan with the--pskcrack (-P)option. This file can contain one or more entries. For multiple entries,each one must be on a separate line.

The program can crack either MD5 or SHA1-based hashes. The type of hash isautomatically determined from the length of the hash (16 bytes for MD5 or20 bytes for SHA1). Each entry in the<psk-parameters-file>is handled separately, so it is possible to crack a mixture of MD5 and SHA1hashes.

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psk-crackcan also crack the proprietary hash format used by Nortel Contivity / VPNRouter systems. When cracking Nortel format hashes, you need to specify theusername of the hash that you are cracking with the--norteluser (-u)option. When cracking Nortel format hashes, you can only crack one hash ata time.

By default,psk-crackwill perform dictionary cracking using the defaultdictionary. The dictionary can be changed with the--dictionary (-d)option, or brute-force cracking can be selected with the--bruteforce (-B)option.


psk-crackattempts to crack IKE Aggressive Mode pre-shared keys that have previously beengathered usingike-scan

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with the--pskcrackoption.

psk-crackcan operate in two different modes:

--help or -h
Display this usage message and exit.
--version or -V
Display program version and exit.
--verbose or -v
Display verbose progress messages.
--dictionary=<f> or -d <f>
Set dictionary file to <f>. The default is/usr/local/share/ike-scan/psk-crack-dictionary.
--norteluser=<u> or -u <u>
Specify the username for Nortel Contivity cracking.This option is required when cracking pre-shared keyson Nortel Contivity / VPN Router systems. Thesesystems use a proprietary method to calculate the hashthat includes the username.This option is only needed when cracking Nortel formathashes, and should not be used for standard formathashes.
--bruteforce=<n> or -B <n>
Select bruteforce cracking up to <n> characters.
--charset=<s> or -c <s>
Set bruteforce character set to <s>Default is '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'


Roy Hills <Roy.Hills [at]>

Pages related to psk-crack

  • pskctool (1) - Portable Symmetric Key Container (PSKC) tool
  • ps (1) - report a snapshot of the current processes.
  • ps2ascii (1) - Ghostscript translator from PostScript or PDF to ASCII
  • ps2eps (1) - convert PostScript to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files
  • ps2epsi (1) - generate conforming Encapsulated PostScript
  • ps2frag (1) - obsolete shell script for the PSfrag system.

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