Halo: Combat Evolved takes place in a science fiction universe created by Bungie Studios. According to the story, the realization of faster-than-light travel has allowed the human race to colonize other planets after the overpopulation of Earth. A keystone of these efforts is the planet Reach, an interstellar naval yard and a hub of scientific and military activity. A secret military endeavor, dubbed the SPARTAN Project, is established on Reach to create an army of biologically engineered, cyborg 'supersoldiers.'
Twenty-seven years before the beginning of the game, a technologically advanced collective of alien races, the Covenant, begin to attack human settlements, declaring humanity an affront to their gods. The United Nations Space Command experiences a series of crushing defeats; although the supersoldiers of the SPARTAN-II Project are effective against the Covenant, they are too few in numbers to turn the tides of war. To prepare for a mission to discover the location of the Covenant's homeworld, SPARTAN-II soldiers are recalled to Reach. Two days before the mission was to begin, Covenant forces attack Reach and destroy the colony. A starship, the Pillar of Autumn, survives the onslaught with the SPARTAN-II Master Chief on board. The ship initiates a jump to slipspace (similar to hyperspace), hoping to lead the enemy away from Earth. The game starts with the Pillar of Autumn encountering Halo.
Halo: Combat Evolved for Macintosh is a port of Halo: Combat Evolved for Apple Macintosh computers. It features all of the additional weapons, vehicles and maps included in the Windows PC port of Halo: Combat Evolved.
About This Content Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary comes to PC as the second installment of Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Now optimized for PC, relive the spectacularly remastered edition of the original Halo campaign, created in celebration of the 10th anniversary of one of the most beloved franchises in gaming history. What is Halo: Combat Evolved? 'The most advanced, the best produced, the most amazing first-person shooter to have ever graced my Mac's screen.' — Jean-Luc Dinsdale, Inside Mac Games. Download Halo: Combat Evolved for Mac. A 1999 screenshot of the Mac version of Halo. When the Marathon trilogy wound up, then, it came as little surprise to see Bungie take to the stage at Macworld in 1999 (see video above) to unveil a. Halo Combat Evolved Full Version Mac free download - Halo: Combat Evolved Custom Edition, Halo for Windows Trial Version, Halo: Combat Evolved SparkEdit Mod, and many more programs.
The player assumes the role of the Master Chief, the cybernetically enhanced supersoldier mentioned above. The player is accompanied by Cortana, an artificial intelligence who occupies the Master Chief's neural interface. Player battles various aliens as they attempt to uncover the secrets of the eponymous Halo, a ring-shaped artificial world.
Halo Ce For Mac Download
— Wikipedia