Inland M1 Carbine Paratrooper Serial Numbers. $400-$900 depending on condition and originality. What is the value of a plainfield m-1 carbine paratrooper? It depends on the condition it is in (beat up, dents, scratches, ect.), if all of the important parts are original, and if. I will be getting my Dads rockola and inland paratrooper or yeah I would keep it. Just gotta wait till the old koot breaks down and gives them to me. He was in 82nd airborne in korea and carried the M-1 carbine so they are his 2 girl's. Lol someday though.
The carbine's serial number is X G 9. The 1944 M1 carbine has the same features as the 1945 M1 carbine but with a Type 2 barrel band and 10–round magazine. Now, there are a few features that may not look exact to the discerning M1 collector and expert, but all features on the gun are present to reflect the carbine over its history and retain that broad general look so iconic to us all. The barrel is. My buddy just picked up an m1 carbine produced by IBM. I removed it from the box, cleaned and lubed it then took it and 4 original M1 Carbines to the range. Caliber, M1, significantly more generally identified as the Michael1 carbine, was created in response to a U. With a … Caliber:.30 Carbine Action Type: Semi Auto, Detachable Magazine Markings: The import mark is in small text along the barrel flat so it is not visible unless the … / 975101” on the … Inland might well have built serial number 101 before Winchester built number 100. The new M1 Carbine from Inland Manufacturing, LLC., offers collectors and folks who want to enjoy the platform a third option. Does your carbine have a … I bought one of the new Inland M1 A1 carbines a few years ago when this model first came out. You will find here a thorough study of the M1 carbine (United States Carbine, Caliber .30, M1) over the period 1941-45. Serial numbers of the Inland M1 carbine actions made during this period ranged from 70,000 - 950,000, and many of these actions were put into M1A1 stocks. Sometime between September 1943, and January 1944. The American Automobile Industry in World War Two. 30 M1” on the front and “INLAND DIV. Carbine has a Rock-Ola front sight. The most notable of Inland’s firearm production was the .30 Caliber M1 carbine and the folding stock variant, the M1A1 Paratrooper model. Inland Manufacturing Division of General Motors was the only manufacturer of the M1A1 and manufactured approximately 140,000 by the close of the war. Inland provides a complete series of carbines that look and experience just simply because great as the real articleand, in most cases, capture even much better. designated a specific serial number block of M1 carbines/receivers that were intended to be used as either experimental or prototype carbine. SOLD FOR: $1,210.00 LSB#: 181108MG14 Make: Inland Division of General Motors Model: M1 Carbine Serial Number: 5130291 Year of Manufacture: July – September 1944 (page 28 of Scott Duff’s book The M1 Carbine Owner’s Guide).Barrel Date: 3-44. CARBINE / CAL. I have an M1 carbine, and I'm trying to find out what year it was manufactured. Inland Division Of General Motors M1 Carbine 'X' Series Serial Number Description: This Inland has the barrel date of 8-45. The M1 carbine is most identified with the Inland Division and. The M1 and M2 were the only ones to be made in large numbers. It has a L aperture sight, push button safety and no bayo lug. All 10 manufacturers swapped parts as needed in order to get the guns built. The M1 1944 carbines feature many of the same characteristics of the original Inland Carbines and are manufactured in the USA! The X after the serial number denotes that the serial number was accidentally duplicated. Make: Inland Division of General Motors Model: M1 Carbine Serial Number: 5389231 Year of Manufacture: October – December, 1944 (page 28 of Scott Duff’s book The M1 Carbine Owner’s Guide); Barrel Date 8 – 44 Caliber:.30 Carbine Action Type: Semi Auto, Detachable Magazine. It appears to be in original condition. SERIAL NUMBERS - The War. The M1A1 was manufactured in two main production runs, both of approximately 70,000. The Carbine's serial number is 949261X. Consistent features of the carbines in this range included a two-rivet handguard, … Does anybody know what year … It is an Inland Division M1 with a serial number of 5,045,XXX. The letter X preceding the serial number Dating a carbine by its serial number alone is difficult and not always accurate given the circumstances inherent with manufacturing and the logistics situation Mike D, Nice looking carbine. The U. S. Carbine,. Yours was probably mid September 1943. In the realm of M1 Carbines, Inland Manufacturing has a very historic name and the new Inland Manufacturing M1 Carbine as exactly as possible replicates the last production model Inland Manufacturing was making for the U.S. Government in 1945. Let's look at the specifications of the M1 Carbine itself before we … Seller's Description: LSB#: 170512CF01 Make: Inland Division of General Motors Model: M1 Carbine Serial Number: 5389231 Year of Manufacture: October – December, 1944 (page 28 of Scott Duff’s book The M1 Carbine Owner’s Guide); Barrel Date 8 – 44 Caliber: .30 Carbine Action Type: Semi Auto, Detachable Magazine Markings: The import mark under the barrel is reads … As a simplified example though, lets say Winchester was assigned serial numbers 1 to 100, and Inland was assigned 101-200. Just obtained an Inland M1 Carbine from the CMP, six-digit serial number is 476xxx. Reassembly required the use of new rivets. Inland Division Of General Motors M1 Carbine 'X' Series Serial Number Description: This Inland has the barrel date of 8-45. Stock is marked “SCB”. I only used 15 round mags in all of them as the Carbine is well known for having feed trouble from the 30 round mags and my M2 jams on the 30 rounders also. Given that the G-3 Diary from the 1st ID reflects that 1,500 carbines were received by the division on 10 July 1942, this would likely include Inland Serial #342. This model is made available for sale in most states with magazine and bayonet lug restrictions. All of the parts are Inland coded. Does this mean January of '44? The M1 carbine guide. My Inland M1 Inland. The first was produced and delivered from late 1942 through until October 1943. LSB#: 180120JE04 Make: Inland Division of General Motors Model: M1 Carbine Serial Number: 4934521 Year of Manufacture: April to June 1944 (page 28 of Scott Duff’s book The M1 Carbine Owner’s Guide). Inland even picked up serial numbers ranging after original production numbers in Gov. I can't find a source online that matches serial numbers to dates. The serial numbers were duplicated, hence, the reason the X was etched next to the Serial Number (SG) made the receivers for Inland and duplicated Inland serial numbers and Inland put the X to mark they are duplicates. No Barrel Date. I am seeking the following: Any records showing receipt of M1 Carbines by the 1st Infantry Division either by serial number, or in lots (reflecting first and last serial numbers of the lot). The Commercial Controls M1 Carbines are the rarest of all manufacturers. The bore and chamber is in minty condition. M1 Carbine Inland S Series Of Carbines. The Inland barrel date is 11-43. **** Why the X after serial number? From what I can tell a 4 digit serial number is pretty rare. M1 carbine with two serial numbers. But they didn't want to recreate just any M1 Carbine. It is serial numbered in the correct 'XB' presentation grade prefix block of serial numbers. Original Inland and Winchester M2s all have high serial numbers over 6,000,000. We will first discuss the basic concepts, then we will see in more detail the characteristic elements of the M1 carbines of the second war. LSB#: 180410EP04 Make: Inland Division of General Motors Model: M1 Carbine Serial Number: 118956 Year of Manufacture: January to March 1943 (page 28 of Scott Duff’s book The M1 Carbine Owner’s Guide); Barrel Date 12 – 42 Caliber:.30 Carbine Action Type: Semi Auto, Detachable Magazine Markings: There is no visible import mark. Variant M1 Carbine with X Serial Number Variant M1 Carbine with X. Caliber: .30 Carbine Action Type: Semi Auto, Detachable Magazine Fed (no magazine included) Markings: The import mark … One example in the sub-5xxx SN range had an IBM barrel with flaming bomb emblem. Inland M1 Carbine Paratrooper Serial Numbers. There were many spring tube carbines found in that serial number range. M1A1 Serial Numbers. CARBINE … owned guns as a very cool touch. Inland Carbines used SN 2912530 in Sep 1943, and ran through SN 3212519 in Jan 1944. During WWII the M1A1 stocks and parts in the possession of Springfield Armory, whether made by Springfield or another manufacturer, were for use as replacements. The serial number behind the sight is '4777xxx' and matches the number on the stock. Ejector design calculation software. The stock also has on it, 'STD PROD RWH' The sight is stamped with a 'PI' Underneath the barrel it's marked, 'Davidson S … The same month they ceased carbine production. The new Inland M1 carbines feature many of the same characteristics of the original Inland Carbines and are manufactured in the USA. The transition in production between first generation and second generation is somewhere between 93xxx and 104xxx. A correct, as built, M1 Carbine could be made by Inland with parts from other suppliers. Specifications for the M1 Carbine: Operation: M1. I recently purchased an M1 Carbine that has two different numbers stamped on. These Inland rifles were part of a Saginaw (SG) Sub Contract. It shows no sign of ever being fired. There were a few very early Inland M2s manufactured with six digit serial numbers beginning with zero. BIRTH OF THE M1 CARBINELt. Inland Mfg - Engineering & Presentation Gifts. Barrel dates seen on carbines in that serial number range vary from 2-43 to 7-43 with 5-43 being the most common. The top of the receiver is marked “U.S. Inland Division, General Motors. Original manufacture M2 carbines were usually factory fitted with late style features, such as the adjustable style rear sight, improved safety lever and the barrel band with the bayonet lug. At exactly 8,069,660 M1/M2 Carbines were made during WWII.Only 6 Milllion were issued to GI troops and Militia.The serial number 1 to 5 produced by Inland Division of General Motors were experimentals.Serial numbers 6 to 10 was from Winchester Repeating Arms were also experimentals for both the 2 manufacturers. To answer Dan’s question, RP is Rock-Ola. The M1 carbine is modeled after the last production model that Inland manufactured in 1945 and features a type 3 bayonet lug / barrel band, adjustable rear sights, push button safety, round bolt, and 'low wood' walnut stock, and a 15 … This carbine is in new condition! Rather than guess a specific year for a specific serial number the charts below present a serial number range and the years that range started and ended based on the markings and additional resources. It has a 4 digit serial number, 9842 with no other markings. You can look up the date your specific gun was manufactured, but this may actually be before one with a lower serial number was made. The 239 Commercial Controls M1 Carbines were assembled from leftover parts and provided to U.S. Army Ordnance in August 1945. The result was firearm history with Inland Manufacturing becoming one of the largest gun manufacturers in the US, producing nearly 3 million firearms in less than 5 years. SOLD FOR: $2,502.00 Make: Inland Division of General Motors Model: M1 Carbine Serial Number: 975101 Year of Manufacture: Barrel Dated October of 1943 Caliber: .30 Carbine Action Type: Semi Auto, Fed by Detachable Magazine Markings: There is no visible import mark.The top of the receiver is marked “U.S. Inland M1 Carbine serial number question. During the later stages of WWII the General Motors Inland Div. Is there any way of finding out the date of manufacture for an M1 Carbine? The M1 Carbine - Data by RJ Militaria : Assigned Manufacturer Serial Numbers. The first generation Universal M1 Carbine mainly used USGI parts, including a USGI bolt locking mechanism. The barrel is marked 'Inland General Motors 1-44.' Many parts on an M1 Carbine were made by many other companies. Commercial M1 Carbines.
Inland Paratrooper Carbine Serial Numbers
Inland Paratrooper Carbine Serial Numbers
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