Hotkey Dota


  1. Hotkey Dota 2
  2. Hotkey Dota 1 Rgc

Hotkey Dota 2

  1. Select your preferred keys by clicking on skill;
  2. Press Generate and save file to your WarCraft III root folder;
  3. WarCraft III -> Options -> Gameplay -> Enable 'Custom Keyboard Shortcuts'.

Hotkey Dota 1 Rgc

Dota Hotkey or Warcraft Hotkey helps you change the default hotkeys into your wanted hotkeys. Hotkeys can be a single key, a combination of keys, middle mouse, scroll mouse, or extra mouse buttons. You can use Ctrl + F5 to enable or disable Warcraft Hotkey. Persamaan transistor d2012 pada tv. Download the best dota hotkeys for you. Used by more than 8000 dota players per day. Standard and the best dota hotkeys for you. With quick chat for dota commands and modes. With show ally HP / enemy HP and disable Windows key. Hotkeys commands: Alt + Q = numpad 7. Alt + W = numpad 8. Alt + A = numpad 4. Alt + S = numpad 5. Alt + Z = numpad 1. Alt + X = numpad 2.

NOTE: Remember to update your file whenever a new version of DotA is released.
To disable them, simply de-activate the 'Custom Keyboard Shortcuts' option.

Hotkey Dota


Dota Custom Keys Generator - online tool for generating Customkeys.txt. CustomKeys is a text file that allows you to remap the hotkeys for units and heroes. One of the most common reasons to use modified CustomKeys is to simplify things by having the same key for all spells in certain position.

To find spellcodes you can use CustomKeys with all keycodes to spells.

More info about CustomKeys Gx works 2 serial number.

For Dota v6.88+ use configdota. Google configdota d1stats